Shropshire Star

Shropshire nursing boss shines spotlight on hospital career opportunities

Read the latest column from Hayley Flavell, director of nursing at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust.


During National Careers Week (March 6-12) we have been shining the spotlight on our wide-ranging career opportunities to encourage local talent to join us and follow a rewarding pathway.

The Trust is one of the county’s biggest employers, with over 7,000 people, and there are more than 350 different clinical and non-clinical careers to choose from within the NHS.

National Careers Week (NCW) helps young people to delve into different career paths that match their interests and this year’s theme is ‘Together’ – focusing on how collaboration with others improves career prospects and future development.

Not only is there a need for more clinically-trained health professionals, we have an array of roles in non-clinical areas too, such as digital, hospitality or engineering.

For further information about working at SaTH, please visit

It is such a pleasure to hear from colleagues who already work at SaTH, such as Ellen Bebbington, an Apprentice Operating Department Practitioner.

She said that her role was hard work and difficult at times, but so rewarding. Ellen loves hearing people’s stories about how the smallest thing has helped them in the biggest way.

Our Trust is working collaboratively with Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System and is also one of the main sponsors for this year’s Telford and Wrekin Council’s Apprenticeship, Employment and Skills Show at Telford International Centre on Thursday, March 16.

Why not pop along and take a look at all we have to offer. We will have a large area where we will be able to demonstrate through interactive activities and information stalls the vast array of opportunities available across the NHS. The event runs from midday to 7.30pm.

Today marks No Smoking Day, an annual awareness day intended to help smokers who want to quit smoking.

We are keen to encourage women using our maternity services to quit smoking and last year we launched a Healthy Pregnancy Support Service (HPSS).

HPSS helps pregnant women understand the health benefits of quitting smoking for their baby and themselves. It can offer one-to-one support with an assigned practitioner, a friendly non-judgmental service and tailored professional advice. If you would like any help with quitting smoking through pregnancy, physical activity or healthy eating then your midwife will arrange for a referral to our HPSS at your booking appointment. The team can also be contacted on 01952 565732.

Our Maternity team and the Maternity Voices Partnership Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin are also inviting former and current service users to complete a survey to provide feedback on their experiences of care and healthy pregnancy services.

The teams would like to hear from service users who have smoked during pregnancy, have had diabetes in pregnancy or a BMI of over 30 on their experiences of maternity care and the services available to support them.

The feedback received will then be used to shape the planning and prioritisation of changes around healthy pregnancy services, the next theme of our UX System. To fill in the survey, please click here.