Shropshire Star

'As offensive as many find the tactics, the reality is that they work' – Dominic Robertson on the latest exploits of Just Stop Oil

We are becoming increasingly used to national landmarks being daubed in orange, and while it might be Euro 2024 it is nothing to do with the Netherlands football team.

Just Stop Oil Stonehenge protest

Just Stop Oil returned to the headlines this week with their latest high-profile target – that famous source of pollutants, the static stones of Stonehenge.

For those following the group's campaign it's not a surprise.

I actually visited Stonehenge last month and while there my partner casually voiced her opinion that she would not be surprised to see the powder-flinging campaigners targetting the historic site in future.

With hindsight it's a prediction that had it come from a Tory parliamentary candidate would have the gambling commission investigating their links to the climate activists.

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