Shropshire Star

Peter Rhodes on a chilly summer, the heart of Europe and recycling ancient ammunition

As June shivers relentlessly on, one TV meteorologist declares bluntly: “People always seem to think summer should be warmer than it actually is.” Ah, so it's our fault, is it?

Kenilworth Castle

For the record, this chilly week was the one we tried to book after a splendid hot and sunny holiday in Devon last year. Sadly (or not so sadly as it turned out), this week had been booked which is why we won't be holidaying until June 19. This, as any optimist will tell you, gives the weather “plenty of time to warm up.” So follow the old mantra for an English vacation: Look on the bright side but pack the cagoules.

An email arrived this week, allegedly from an old friend I hadn't heard from for years. Odd that he didn't telephone but as it explained: “I'm unable to speak over the phone due to a serious throat pain caused by laryngitis.” Poor old devil. I was about to make contact when I had the tiniest twinge of suspicion and consulted Google instead. Sure enough, it's a well known fiddle, designed to extract your personal information. It's called the Laryngitis scam. Just bin it.