Shropshire Star

Peter Rhodes on Chinese goods, dancing in jail and why we still love our old phones

In the week that Britain ceased to be one of the world's top ten manufacturing companies, I bought an item from the competition. It is a replacement computer keyboard made, like pretty much everything else, in China.

Anyone for a chinwag?

I have suspected for some time that consumer goods from China are now so cheap that it would cost less to buy them than to post them back to China. According to Royal Mail, an item of this size would cost £17.70 to post to China. The keyboard cost £9.99.

Funny things, keyboards. Unless you can touch-type (I can't, a lifelong regret), they become progressively useless as the symbols wear off the most-tapped keys. This time with my old keyboard, H, T and S were the first to vanish. No suggestions, thanks.