Shropshire Star

Rhodes on smart meters, unusual pets and mangling the English language

At the very heart of the Government's energy policy is that thoroughly modern and much-hyped gizmo the smart meter which feeds constantly updated consumption figures to the power company computers, producing instant, accurate bills. Except when it doesn't.

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Smart meters?

I wrote a few weeks ago about the £800 credit which appeared in our electricity account, only to vanish when three large charges were deducted from the account on a single day, without explanation, plunging us into energy-debt.

I can report that E.on Next's “backbilling experts” have been working on this problem since July 24. I defy any normal person to decipher the masses of impenetrable calculations it has generated so far. With not a hint of irony, the company's website assures us: “ We're here to make your energy bills as simple as possible to read.” If that's simple, God save us from the complicated stuff.