Shropshire Star

Talking Telford: Secrets of the Wrekin uncovered in the unlikeliest of places

This last week I finally found some answers I’ve long been searching for, and I found them in a charity shop in Wellington. Where else?

You’re not a ‘true Salopian’ until you’ve squeezed through the Needle’s Eye

They came in the form of old, unloved maps which were drawn up half a century ago and discarded, possibly several times. They don’t lead to buried treasure - but for all the joy I felt when I found them, they might as well do.

The knowledge I stumbled upon pertains to the Needle’s Eye on the Wrekin, a local landmark which regular readers might remember/be quite sick of by now (delete as appropriate). To quickly recap: near the summit of the famous old hill is a severe crack in the prehistoric volcanic rock, which has created a narrow and claustrophobic corridor that can just about be squeezed through by most folk, even if it’s on hands and knees.