Shropshire Star

Letter: Bring back Margaret Thatcher's poll tax

Re. Council Tax 2013. In brief, Margaret Thatcher's poll tax was far fairer than the council tax imposed on us all today, which has changed dramatically, since the days of Lord Lamont, who was then the Chancellor for the Conservatives.


Having applied for a reassessment of the valuation of my property, the valuation officer was quite open and frank and, had it been left in his hands, then the banding would have been lowered.

My circumstances are that I am a pensioner living on a fixed income with my wife. Having to pay £167 per month council tax actually absorbs one week's worth of the joint monthly pension.

I have appealed against the decision and the hearing is set for September 19.

But I have already more or less been told, discreetly, that I am wasting my time, as no one beats the system.

Therefore I suggest the following:

1. Currently the valuation officer assesses the property/properties according to the road, and no longer assesses his/her valuation on the dwellers of the said property.

2. My argument is the Government should change the current legislation and valuations should be assessed by the relevant income at the said property.

3. Many pensioners, and those on low incomes have no alternative but to either sell up or find other rented accommodation owing to the unfair high charges of council tax imposed upon householders.

Unless this system changes and, more to the point, local councils are held responsible and accountable for the public money they collect and spend then it will remain unfortunate.

Finally, the dwellers of the property pay the council tax, so merely to assess any property on bricks and mortar is a ridiculous idea. It is not the property that pays the council tax but those in it.

Somehow this has been overlooked and should be reinstated, as was the way under Margaret Thatcher when the poll tax was introduced.

And it should be based purely on the income of the people who are living in the property.

Dave Coppard

Arddleen, Powys

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