Shropshire Star

Letter: Dog mess problem

Since Butterfly Conservation purchased the western half of Prees Heath Common in 2006 the site has become increasingly popular with members of the public, and staff and volunteers with Butterfly Conservation have worked hard to make it a pleasurable place to visit as well as a home for an increasing range of wildlife.


Many of the people who access the reserve are accompanied by dogs. Recently a number of complaints have been received concerning the amount of dog mess on the site, including from responsible dog owners who use the dog waste bin located at the reserve entrance. Not only is the dog mess a health hazard, particularly for small children, but it damages the wildlife habitat which is naturally poor in nutrients by enriching the soils – the grassland contains a range of rare and uncommon plants – and it makes walking on the reserve an obstacle course to make sure you don't tread in it.

So this is a plea to every dog walker to clear up after your dog, for the sake of all users of the reserve and the wildlife. Shropshire Council kindly provided the dog waste bin and empty it weekly, and using it ensures the reserve is maintained as a healthy place for everyone to enjoy.

Stephen Lewis, Prees Heath Butterfly Conservation

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