Letter: Brexit vote must be upheld
So we have Owen Smith saying stuff the majority vote I'm going to keep us in the corrupt and bankrupt union.
Who does he think he is to go against the will of the people?
So he thinks we should ignore the vote and stay in the federal state, even though since the vote the country is rocketing away on all fronts.
I am concerned about the delay in Article 50 and suggest Theresa May gets on with it, before we're bankrupt like they will be in the next few decades.
If they all fudge it then a general election may be a good thing and then the people can rise up against people elected by them, but do not hold up the values of democracy.
If they ignore democratic voting by the electorate then they are no better than many of the world's dictatorships of which this country has stood against in the past.
L Thomas, Wellington
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