Shropshire Star

Letter: Passengers take the strain

'Let the train take the strain' was the call as cars were to be abandoned and public transport embraced.


Now, it's the purse and the passengers, who take the strain as overcrowded, overpriced trains go on their way, unless the wrong snow/rain or something else delays or stops it.

Many found the day exhausted and just wanted to sit and relax, others wanted to arrive, still feel fresh are ready for a day's work or for other activities, some hope.

No, the promised over long promised, electrification of the remaining routes are once again delayed for lack of cash – if it's lacking now, it will be later as costs rise and the financial strain on services bites even deeper.

Stop delaying, bite the cherry, give passengers the services they urgently need, not just want, before more people turn back to cars and add to the miles of slow moving traffic. We are in 2016, soon to be 2017 and the services offered are like in the war, but without the bombs.

Don't knock down newly built estates, devastate the towns and villages, destroy the countryside and all it holds. Improve life for thousands of commuters.

B A Flowers, Newport

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