Shropshire Star

Put dash cam footage to use

Is it just me or is the automatic vehicle recognition only used for:


1. Speeding (a few miles over the limit)

2. Parking for over staying

3. Bus lanes that are empty

But ignore travellers that disregard any rules on rubbish and invasion on public spaces? If they want to be treated equally they should at least behave in a manner that the rest of us mere mortals have to.

Are we likely to see anybody facing court despite the dash cam footage on the M54 of blatant undertaking at speed? Why when we see the number plate is it always obscured?

Wouldn’t it at least be good to let the people in the street where they live be aware of the danger they are in, or at least let the idiots suffer some sense of shame?

The police request dash cam footage in an event of criminal activity but seem reluctant to act if it’s traffic related. Why is it their cameras are admissible but dash cam’s are doubtful?

May I suggest that the Safer Roads Partnership employ people to access any footage submitted and follow it up. I would guarantee within a few weeks the cost would be covered and, if not, it’s about safety not money isn’t it?!

Chris Adams, West Felton