Shropshire Star

Assuming everyone wants to donate organs is slippery slope

On Friday, the Organ Donation Bill, spearheaded by Socialist MP Geoffrey Robinson, was presented to the House of Commons.


In essence, this will introduce ‘presumed consent’ for the harvesting of body parts at the point of death.

However, a person would be able to opt out if they did not want their organs stolen in this manner. No doubt, before this Bill is ratified, we will see countless pictures of dying children to bolster the campaign.

I cannot believe a single person in this country would refuse to donate their organs after death if it would help an ill child who would otherwise die, but this is only part of the story. In England, about 93,000 people are waiting for a kidney transplant and about 500,000 people die every year.

It’s not hard to imagine that, should this campaign become law – and it is hard to believe it will not – the kidney waiting list could be wiped out in a relatively short time. What would happen to all the other ‘spare parts’, would they be buried or cremated? I think not.

Again, it is not hard to imagine unused ‘spare parts’ would be sold to foreign buyers who may pay a premium for European organs. Then, when this story breaks, the headline would be that the underfunded NHS (it is always underfunded) needs this case to survive and it will all be justified by our Statist politicians.

It wouldn’t be so bad if Amnesty International hadn’t complained to China to stop the use of body parts from executed prisoners for transplant, but what is the difference?

Imagine a hospital in a couple of year’s time, a suitable donor is on the operating table and a recipient waits.

The computer is down and the hospital cannot check whether the potential donor has registered his decision.

Time is of the essence so what would the hospital do? They would take a view and “steal” the organ and any other part they could make use of.

The only thing we possess in this world is our body and now the Statist politicians want to deprive us of even that.

This is a very slippery slope on which we are about to tread and I urge all of us to think about the full implications of what will happen should this campaign become law.

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