Shropshire Star

We must now break away from Europe on our own terms

At last the Brexit deal is published. If accepted it ties the UK into obeying the EU rules and regulations with no say in how those rules and regulations are made.


In the very first referendum about the EU (then Common Market) we were told it would safeguard jobs etc and was for a free trading area. Politicians lied to the electorate then as they are doing now.

The Prime Minister should look at the political history of the UK since 1945 and learn. Harold Wilson (Labour) destroyed the UK aircraft and machine tool industries and was removed from office. John Major (Conservative) gave away our law making to the EU saying it was “good for Britain” he was soon removed. Blair/Brown (Labour) kept promising a referendum on the EU and failed and they were removed.

If she believes that the electorate will accept this document then she is very mistaken.

The referendum clearly said we leave the EU but after a delay of nine months and two years of wasted time talking we are to be tied in for a further two years to please industry as they “are not ready”.

These bosses with their £500,000+ salaries should have been making plans when a referendum was to go ahead. What have they been doing – playing golf all this time.

They talk about a customs union but all this is a free trade area where goods pass from one member state to another with any customs checks or tariffs being applied.

We voted to leave and on March 29 we should leave on our terms not theirs.

R Knight, Newport

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