Shropshire Star

A valid argument on vegetarianism

Godwin’s law, can in itself, be abused as a distraction, diversion or even censorship, fallaciously miscasting an opponent’s argument as hyperbole, when the comparisons made by the argument are actually appropriate (Glenn Greenwald).


Reference the letter “Protection of animals begins on your plate” did not pick up on some of my very valid points, but got rather annoyed when I compared extreme vegetarianism to fascism.

1. Vegetarianism is harmful to the environment through deforestation as trees absorb carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and replace them with oxygen, as well as reducing global warming.

2. Also, entire species are facing extinction because of the destruction of rain forests around the world to grow palm oil.

3. Once we have lost entire ecosystems they are gone for good.

4. We have to think about our own national parks and how would the mountains of Wales look like if there were not sheep grazing on them or the Peak District, or Lake District.

Human beings have canine teeth to tear up meat just like big cats in Africa, and it’s only natural for humans to eat meat.

As for vegetarians to try and force the rest of us into an unnatural meat free diet, that is nothing but an act of fascism.

That is where the comparison is applicable.

Mark Norwood, Whittington

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