Shropshire Star

Johnson tells lies and that is a fact

May I correct Mr Jones (Letters, November 9), in his simplistic response to my letter.

Boris Johnson

Mr Jones, I did not conveniently forget anything! This was not about Johnson’s ability to open his mouth before engaging his brain, as evidenced by his ridiculous promises; it is that as this country faces its biggest crisis since the Second World War, we are being led into the abyss by a liar!

He lied to the people over the money for the NHS, he misled the Queen about the proroguing of Parliament, he even lied on camera about press presence when confronted by an angry parent in a children’s hospital. Let’s not forget, his own party removed his ministerial post as they deemed him unfit to hold office! He is an inveterate liar, that is not mud-slinging, it’s fact!

The problem with Brexiters is that as the facts stack up against their argument they will clutch at any straws to believe anyone who says what they want to hear and with Johnson, it never will be the truth, surely the fact that even his own siblings refuse to work with him should tell you something.

Whatever you think of Jeremy Corbyn, and I’m not particularly a fan, he doesn’t tell lies.

Tim Wasdell, Shifnal

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