Shropshire Star

Public transport can reduce congestion

I agree with Peter Steggles (Letters, October 29) that a car, for those who have them (and remember that 15 per cent of Shropshire households don’t), is a wonderfully convenient form of transport.


The problem is that cars are so convenient people will use them as their first choice, especially given the lack of decent public transport and cycle paths in our county.

This means any attempt to solve traffic congestion by building new roads is doomed to failure as the roads will rapidly fill up with more cars.

This is why I, and many others, are working hard to stop Shropshire Council from building a new road at huge expense across large swathes of beautiful open countryside near Shrewsbury. There are countless examples of towns of our size which have successfully and permanently tackled traffic congestion by investing in active and sustainable transport that is cheaper, more healthy and environmentally friendly.

Mike Streetly, Shrewsbury

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