Shropshire Star

Shocking lack of hospital parking

I was pleased to see Peter Guildford’s letter (19 December) about parking at the PRH. I was about to write a similar letter myself.

Princess Royal Hospital, Telford

I’m astonished there has not been correspondence before about this matter.

I had an appointment at the hospital in early December. I arrived at 1pm and toured the parking areas several times in vain. Every space and every verge was occupied.

Nearing despair I eventually found space on a very muddy patch of waste ground.

Luckily I had arrived in good time for my appointment. I don’t know where later arrivals that afternoon parked.

I agree with Mr Guildford that the grassed areas should be made into more parking spaces as they now have no amenity value. This will help in the short term only. Further measures will be needed.

Jill Wesson, Cardington

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