Shropshire Star

Assisted dying: The case for

A good sign that democracy is alive and well, Ludlow MP Philip Dunne will be one of the first MPs to be able to introduce a private members' bill that could become law, Star, January 17.

Shropshire assisted dying campaigner Noel Conway

As I voted for Mr Dunne I will take a keen interest in what he decides to put forward.

Can I suggest that anything environmental will look like jumping on a bandwagon that has left the station and is flavour of the month, to mix my metaphors.

The abolition of the House of Lords may not fit into his long-term career path.

But maybe, just maybe, if he is feeling brave he will put forward an Assisted Dying Bill. This needs to be debated without histrionics in the House in a way that lends dignity to the subject and the Commons.

The numerous cases highlighted in the Star through heartfelt articles and letters from those dying and those that support them speak more elegantly about the subject than I ever could.

The UK electorate are not fools, as the general election proved, and I think a big majority of the UK population would support an Assisted Dying Bill if Philip Dunne decides to put one forward. Here is another example where the UK population, who are more in contact with the realities of life and death, are ahead of the politicians.

Peter Steggles, Rushbury

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