Shropshire Star

Leaving won’t be all a bed of roses

At one second past 11pm, British Time, on January 31 the UK will leave the EU.


For many of us that want to leave there will be no sense of triumphalism, more a sense of sadness that Brexit has so badly divided the UK and inflicted wounds that will take a long time to heal.

There is still a sense of incredulity at the lack of effort, the ineptness and, in the end, cowardice shown by David Cameron during the EU Referendum and then not seeing the result through.

More incredulity followed with Theresa May showing more self-interest in calling a General Election when she should have been mapping out a firm exit from the EU. Please note Labour Members, women are not the automatic answer to your Leadership problems, you need the best person.

I know Boris the Blond Bombshell is not to everyone's taste, but regarding Brexit he has made a decision, he has drawn a line in the sand and at last the UK is playing hardball with the EU and this time the EU know we mean it.

Leaving will not be bed of roses, more like a bed of brambles, but the decision has been taken. It is maybe too much to ask for unity in the UK and for everyone to get behind the Government to get the UK through the Brexit years, but this great country of ours can perhaps rely on the affection that people have for their nation to at least make the attempt to pull in the same direction.

Peter Steggles, Rushbury

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