LETTER: Be responsible for health
A reader calls on people to be diligent with their health.
"This is serious - but it's not the end of the world" by columnist Nigel Hastilow, because it referred to high death numbers without it being an issue in the not too distant past, compared to what is happening now, with lower death rates to the previous higher ones.
I recently came across a Covid-19 question and answer interview between Trevor King of TKMedia who is based in Portadown and Andrew W Saul - the vitamin man, based in America. Andrew W Saul also quoted extremely high death rates in America (that never made the news) from flus that led to pneumonia and eventual death in the very young, very old, those on unhealthy diets etc., the point that he was making was that if we all took Vitamin C supplements, even if we are on a healthy diet, then we would be greatly helping our immune system to fight off many different types of viruses, including Covid-19.
During the interview he suggests that the very ill, when in hospital, are given very high doses of Vitamin C, administered Intravenously, as in his experience there have been good results in a short time. He also said he had been in touch with some Chinese medical authorities and that those who had applied his suggestions had positive results.
I believe we have to take responsibility for our own health, so have to help ourselves as best we can, perhaps the above information may be of assistance to any of those interested.
Inara Jolley, Randlay