Shropshire Star

LETTER: Masks would just join mountains of litter across UK

A reader shares their thoughts on face masks and the potential litter they can cause.

A visitor wearing a mask to protect against the spread of COVID-19 passes a sign requiring masks

Ray Greenway (letters August 12) thinks the government should supply masks to the whole of UK population.

It is true that the UK is a rich country, but maybe not for much longer because unemployment is due to rocket, tax revenues falling, and national debt has sky rocketed due to lockdown and the economy stalling.

This Covid-19 gift from China has trashed the economies of many countries and stored up future debt.

The government has already spent far too much on the pandemic. I just know that when the smoke has cleared the experts will find out that many more people died because of the precautions taken for the virus than from the actual virus.

We are talking here of people who could not get treatment for any condition unless they had Covid-19, so strokes, heart attacks, cancer etc and even normal flu will have exceeded Covid deaths.

In any case, we don’t need any more masks to add to the ones I see left on car parks and in supermarket trollies, as well as adding to mountain of litter left at beauty spots by mindless morons.

If people are given stuff free they do not value it, ‘easy come easy go’ springs to mind.

Chris Smith, Horsehay

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