Shropshire Star

Your Letters: November 5

Last updated
Dudley Council has confirmed the letters were sent out by mistake

My advice to government 

The government is asking for advice from tax payers etc. can I recommend the death penalty reintroduced into Britain, this would be carried out only when found 100 per cent guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

We can bring assisted dying for those that have no quality of life.

We can stop boat people or anyone that wants to come to England. Our government is saying we have 60 plus million people in England, I would say it is 70 plus million. The people that are now coming to England has a culture of six children.

Our government are selling off our industries and wasting taxpayers' money on five star hotels for criminals. The criminals are queuing up to get a five star cell in jail. This action must be stopped and punishment to match the crimes.

The government is closing down schools, chemists, nurseries, bus transport, and at the same time, allowing trains, gas, electric, water, sportsmen and women, to be paid millions of pounds in bonuses. Also, what percentage of charity money s going to charity?