Your Letters: November 15
It's a funny old world. In football if the manager does not get results, he is sacked. Then we have leaders of the various political parties who when the members do not like the way the leader performs, they get him or her removed. This was proved with the number of Conservative leaders over the last few years.
Now here is the funny thing. Labour were voted into power and all we have seen so far can only be described as attack on the people of United Kingdom. They conned the public into believing they were a changed party and were going to make things better and, so far, all I have seen is a growing feeling a person gets when they realise they have been scammed by con artists.
My point is that this government got into power under false pretences and so why can't we, like football clubs and party members, show we have no confidence in this government and demand they be sacked and replaced? Why should we have to suffer continual dismal and money sucking demands from a government for the next five years when they have as much idea of running a country as a rocking horse?
We should be able to rid us of incompetence and this government is truly showing us all that they are leaders in that department, in fact that could not even run the Ministry of Silly Walks!
Pete Lowe, West Mids