Shropshire Star

Star Comment: Let's make sorting our finances our new year's resolution

With rising energy prices, high taxes, and fears of a looming recession, the idea of putting something away for the future may seem a little counter-intuitive.

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But looking at if from another perspective, today's straitened times mean it is all the more important that we make the most of every penny we have.

Research by Barclays suggests that UK adults hold £430 billion in cash savings which could be put to better use as investments, not only bringing in a better return for the individual, but also providing a desperately needed boost to the economy. 

It doesn't matter if you don't have thousands of pounds in spare cash. Even a modest amount squirreled away each month will help build a useful nest egg. And if you find time to carry out a detailed review of your spending habits, chances are you can probably find a way to save an extra few pounds each month, without even noticing the difference.

According to Barclays, there are more savings and investment products around at the moment than there have been since records began, so it is very much a savers' market.