Shropshire Star

‘Three injured’ at opposition protest in Kenya against electoral commission

A man was shot and the gunman injured other protesters when driving away.

Kenya saw three people badly hurt in protests over the electoral commission

Three people were seriously injured during opposition protests to push for changes to Kenya’s electoral commission before fresh presidential elections, a witness said.

An Associated Press reporter said on Monday one man was shot and the gunman drove a car that injured two other protesters before driving away.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga has called for countrywide protests to urge reforms to the electoral commission ahead of the October 26 election.

An opposition supporter with oranges, the symbol of the Orange Democratic party march
An opposition supporter in Nairobi wearing oranges, the symbol of the Orange Democratic party march (Sayyid Abdul Azim/AP)

The Supreme Court nullified President Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election citing illegalities in the August 8 vote and the electoral commission’s refusal to allow scrutiny of its computer system.

Justices said by failing to allow the investigation the commission failed to disprove Mr Odinga’s claim that hackers infiltrated the servers and altered the vote in favour of Mr Kenyatta.

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