Shropshire Star

Kavanaugh accused of throwing ice at man in 1985

The FBI has interviewed a number of people as part of its reopened background investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was accused of throwing ice at a man during an altercation at a bar while in college, it has emerged.

A report released by police in New Haven, Connecticut, said Mr Kavanaugh was questioned after the 1985 incident but was not arrested.

The report said 21-year-old Dom Cozzolino told police that Mr Kavanaugh threw ice at him for “some unknown reason”.

Mr Cozzolino said he then got hit on the ear with a glass.

A witness told police the man who threw the glass was Chris Dudley, Mr Kavanaugh’s close friend.

Chad Ludington, another Yale classmate, told The New York Times the altercation happened while they were drinking at a bar after a concert.

The White House noted that Mr Kavanaugh was not arrested or charged and questioned the incident’s relevance.

Meanwhile, Mark Judge, a high school friend of Mr Kavanaugh, has completed his interview with FBI agents.

His lawyer, Barbara “Biz” Van Gelder, would not say when the interview concluded or what Mr Judge was asked.

Mr Judge is one of multiple people the FBI has already interviewed as part of its reopened background investigation into Mr Kavanaugh.

On Monday, Ms Van Gelder said her client had been questioned by the FBI but the interview was “not completed”.

Christine Blasey Ford, a California college professor, has alleged Mr Judge was in the room when a drunken Mr Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers in the early 1980s.

Mr Judge has denied the allegations, as has Mr Kavanaugh.

Two other people who Ms Ford said attended the same party have also been interviewed by the FBI.

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