Shropshire Star

Greta Thunberg returns to school in Sweden after a year off

The 17-year-old said it was great to be returning to classes.

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Greta Thunberg

After a year off school to campaign for tougher action over climate change, Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg has said she is returning to class.

“My gap year from school is over, and it feels so great to finally be back in school again!” the 17-year-old said on Instagram, next to a photo of herself with a schoolbag on her back and her hands resting on bicycle handles.

In Sweden, high school-level classes are returning this week. It was not clear which school Ms Thunberg was attending.

The teenager shot to fame after starting her solo protests outside Sweden’s parliament in Stockholm two years ago on August 20 2018.

Students around the world soon began following her lead, staging regular large protests, and Ms Thunberg was invited to speak to political and business leaders at UN conferences and the annual World Economic Forum in Davos.

Last week, she joined other young activists for talks with German chancellor Angela Merkel regarding climate.

The coronavirus outbreak has prevented the Fridays for Future movement that Ms Thunberg inspired from holding its mass rallies in recent months, dampening its public profile.

Ms Thunberg was named Time magazine’s youngest Person of the Year, and was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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