Shropshire Star

Sudan set to normalise ties with Israel after signing US deal

The Trump administration has also engineered diplomatic pacts between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Last updated

Sudan has signed the “Abraham Accords” with the US, paving the way for the African country to normalise ties with Israel.

A statement from the office of Sudan’s prime minister said that Justice Minister Nasredeen Abdulbari signed the accord on Wednesday with visiting US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

The recent US-negotiated deals between Arab countries and Israel have been a major foreign policy initiative by President Donald Trump’s administration.

The deals were named the “Abraham Accords” after the biblical patriarch revered by Muslims and Jews.

Abdullah Hamdok, right, welcomes Steven Mnuchin (AP)

The signing came just over two months after Mr Trump announced that Sudan would start to normalise ties with Israel.

Before Sudan, the Trump administration engineered diplomatic pacts late last year between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain — the first since Jordan recognised Israel in the 1990s and Egypt in the 1970s.

Morocco also established diplomatic ties with Israel.

The agreements are all with countries that are geographically distant from Israel and have played a minor role, if any, in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The accords have also contributed to the severe isolation and weakening of the Palestinians by eroding a long-standing Arab consensus that recognition of Israel should only be given in return for concessions in the peace process.

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