Shropshire Star

Pakistan’s PM urges minority community to bury miners killed by militants

Imran Khan said he was being blackmailed by a demand that he should visit the Hazara community before the burials take place.

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People from the Shiite Hazara community chant slogans during a sit-in to protest against the killing of coal mine workers (Arshad Butt/AP)

Pakistan’s prime minister appealed to the protesting minority Shiites not to link the burial of 11 coal miners from the Hazara community who were killed by the so-called Islamic State group to his visit to the mourners, saying such a demand amounted to blackmailing the country’s premier.

Hundreds of mourners, who despite harsh cold weather have been rallying in Quetta at the miners’ coffins, want prime minister Imran Khan to personally visit them to assure their protection.

They have vowed they were ready to continue their protest for 100 days if Mr Khan does not accept their key demand.

“No premier of any country should be blackmailed like this,” Mr Khan said from Islamabad in televised remarks.

Under Islamic tradition, burials take place as quickly as possible after death.

But Shiites from the Hazara community for the straight sixth day continued their sit-in, refusing to bury the miners who were killed on Sunday after being abducted near the Machh coal field, 30 miles east of Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan.

Mr Khan, speaking from Islamabad in televised remarks, said his government had accepted all of the demands of mourners, except that the dead would be buried when he personally visits them to assure their protection.

He said he could travel to Quetta on Friday to meet with the relatives of miners if they bury the miners first.

Shiites rejected Mr Khan’s offer, saying their protest will continue.

A vigil in Islamabad for peace following the murders of miners (Anjum Naveed/AP)
A vigil in Islamabad for peace following the murders of miners (Anjum Naveed/AP)

More than 2,000 residents and relatives began their protest after IS militants abducted and then shot and killed the miners in Baluchistan province.

Police video of the bodies revealed the miners were blindfolded and had their hands tied behind their backs before being shot.

The Sunni IS affiliate claimed responsibility and since then authorities have been raiding militant hideouts to trace and arrest those who orchestrated the killing of miners, although Mr Khan insists Pakistan’s neighbour India was behind the violence in Baluchistan.

Mr Khan has not shared any evidence to back up his claim.

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