Shropshire Star

New Zealand’s leader Jacinda Ardern makes rare trip to Antarctica

She visited Sir Ernest Shackleton’s hut on the icy continent.

Jacinda Ardern

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern appeared awestruck as she stood in the Antarctic hut of explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton during a rare visit to the continent by a world leader.

Speaking from inside the hut that was built more than a century ago, Ms Ardern said: “I think when you’re a kid and you read stories about Shackleton, you’d never imagine you’d have the opportunity to come. So, I feel pretty lucky.

“It’s a cool place.”

Jacinda Ardern
Ms Ardern looks around Ernest Shackleton’s Nimrod Expedition hut at Cape Royds on Ross Island in Antarctica (Mike Scott/NZ Herald/Pool Photo via AP)

Ms Ardern is visiting Antarctica to see at first hand the research taking place on global warming and to mark the 65th anniversary of New Zealand’s Scott Base, which will be demolished in a few years to make way for a rebuild.

Her visit comes as delegations from 26 nations and the European Union meet in Australia to decide the future of Antarctica’s pristine waters.

Conservationists say new marine protected areas and rules to prevent overfishing in Antarctica are desperately needed, but that Russia could use its veto-like powers to once again block progress.

Ardern and partner and two others
Ms Ardern, second right, with her partner Clarke Gayford, right, are shown the sites by Antarctica New Zealand chief executive Sarah Williamson shortly after stepping off their plane (Mike Scott/NZ Herald/Pool via AP)

Russia last year rejected the toothfish catch limits proposed by the commission’s scientists, and the US says this year that Russia and China have been blocking progress on creating new marine protected areas – although America aims to work toward a resolution with China.

The motivation for Russia, which did not respond to requests for comment this week, remains unclear.

Ms Ardern’s trip has highlighted some of the challenges of visiting the icy continent.

Jacinda Ardern
Ms Ardern and her partner, Clarke Gayford, walk toward the front of a glacier in the Taylor Valley (Mike Scott/NZ Herald via AP, Pool)

Her first flight in a military cargo plane was turned around after about two hours on Tuesday due to strong winds and deteriorating weather, making her part of what’s informally known as the “boomerang club”.

She made it to Antarctica the next day, accompanied by a single pool journalist whose photos and videos can take many hours to transmit overnight due to the tenuous internet capacity.

She is due to return home on Saturday.

Jacinda Ardern
Ms Ardern examines the cross in place above Sir Robert Falcon’s hut at Cape Evans in Antarctica (Mike Scott/NZ Herald via AP, Pool)

Ms Ardern said the scientists and crew on Antarctica have noticed the effects of global warming over the past five years, including observing sea ice cracking and moving, and glaciers and icebergs changing.

She said it was important for New Zealand to maintain a leadership role on the continent.

“We’re in a period where internationally you see that parts of the world are becoming increasingly contested, and Antarctica is part of that, too,” Ms Ardern said.

Jacinda Ardern and her partner
Ms Ardern and her partner Clarke Gayford look around Scott’s Terra Nova hut (Mike Scott/NZ Herald/Pool Photo via AP)

Standing in the hut, New Zealand’s leader said that Irish-born Shackleton and his British expedition had tried to reach the South Pole, but that he was remembered more for his extraordinary leadership and saving the lives of his men.

She said she did not exactly draw parallels with her own leadership.

“I don’t think I can quite compare government with the hardship and endurance of Antarctic exploration,” she said, before adding with a laugh: “But, some days…”

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