Shropshire Star

Russian shelling paving the way for fresh offensive, say Ukrainian officials

A hospital was set on fire as part of a bombardment which Ukrainian authorities think is intended to precede a major attack.

Ukrainian soldier's funeral

Russian shelling hit more civilian targets in Ukraine, starting a fire in a hospital, before what Kyiv authorities suspect is an impending new offensive by Russia around the anniversary of its invasion.

A hospital in the north-eastern town of Vovchansk caught fire late on Monday as a result of the shelling, regional Ukrainian emergency services reported.

The shelling caused multiple fires in the town, including at its two-story municipal hospital, the State Emergency Service in the north-eastern Kharkiv region said in an online statement.

Emergency crews evacuated eight civilians from the site before putting out the blaze, which caused no casualties, authorities said.

Russia Ukraine War
Undertakers bury the coffin of Eduard Strauss, a Ukrainian serviceman who died in combat last month during his funeral in Irpin, Ukraine, on Monday (AP Photo/Daniel Cole)

Vovchansk is in the Kharkiv region, which was occupied by Russia after its full-scale invasion began on Febriary 24 and subsequently retaken by Ukraine during a counteroffensive last year.

The anticipated Russian push may seek to recapture territory Moscow lost in that counteroffensive.

Ukrainian officials say they expect the new drive to come in eastern and southern Ukraine, as the Kremlin strives to secure areas it has illegally annexed and where it claims its rule is welcomed.

Battlefield setbacks have embarrassed the Kremlin, and President Vladimir Putin is keen to cement public support for the war.

Ensuring Kremlin rule in the eastern Donbas industrial region, bordering Russia, is expected to be a key objective.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed concern about an uptick in fighting as the winter draws to a close.

Peace prospects “keep diminishing” and “the chances of further escalation and bloodshed keep growing,” he said in a speech on Monday.

Some military analysts are sceptical, however, about Russia’s ability to mount a large new offensive in coming weeks. Ukraine and Russia are both still training their new troops and amassing weapons.

The UK Ministry of Defence said in an assessment on Tuesday that Russia is “requiring undermanned, inexperienced units to achieve unrealistic objectives due to political and professional pressure”.

“Russian leaders will likely continue to demand sweeping advances,” it added. “It remains unlikely that Russia can build up the forces needed to substantially affect the outcome of the war within the coming weeks.”

Michael Kofman, an American military analyst and director of Russia Studies at the CAN, a research organization in Arlington, Virginia, tweeted on Monday it was unclear how big an offensive Russia is able to mount.

He added: “I suspect it may prove underwhelming, focused largely on the Donbas.”

Meanwhile, the shelling kept Ukraine’s civilian population under pressure in some areas of the country.

Russia launched six missile and two dozen air attacks as well as 75 shelling incidents hitting civilian targets in Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Kherson, over the past 24 hours, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said in a statement on Tuesday.

About 60,000 households were left without water after Russian shelling near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant cut the power supply to a local pumping station, authorities reported.

Mykola Lukashuk, who heads the Dnipropetrovsk regional council, accused Russian forces of firing on towns and villages neighbouring the plant, Europe’s largest, with heavy artillery and multiple rocket-launchers overnight.

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