Shropshire Star

One dead and 59 injured in crash between bus and truck in western Slovakia

The D2 highway that links the Slovak capital Bratislava with the neighbouring Czech Republic was forced to close.

Last updated
Slovakia Accident

A crash between a bus and truck on a major highway in western Slovakia has killed at least one person and injured dozens more, officials said.

Firefighters reported that at least 59 people were injured.

The accident closed the D2 highway that links the Slovak capital, Bratislava, with the neighboring Czech Republic, police said.

Details about the nature of the injuries have not been been released, but rescuers said some people were seriously hurt.

Slovakia Accident
A bus and truck collided on a major highway in western Slovakia (Michal Svitok/TASR via AP)

Slovak media said the bus was carrying Hungarian tourists.

Police are investigating the cause of the crash.

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