Shropshire Star

CCTV appeal over club murder probe

Detectives investigating the murder of a Shropshire nightclubber are appealing for help in identifying five possible key witnesses.


Detectives investigating the murder of a Shropshire nightclubber are appealing for help in identifying five possible key witnesses.

Police today issued CCTV pictures of the potential witnesses whom they wish to contact as part of the investigation into the death of father-of-two Darren Griffiths at Liquid and Diva nightclub in Shrewsbury.

camera_ss4.gif Click on the numbers below to view the CCTV images

The clubbers are being sought as witnesses and not suspects, police have stressed.

The fresh appeal comes as police step up their investigation into the death of Mr Griffiths, of Harmer Hill, near Shrewsbury.

The married 41-year-old died at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital shortly after a disturbance at the venue at about 12.30am on June 29.

Detective Inspector Gavin Kinrade, one of the senior officers leading the police inquiry, said today: "A number of people who were in Liquid and Diva on the night have already come forward.

"We have decided to release photographs of these five people because they were clearly shown on CCTV film in the foyer area at the club's entrance.

"I would stress they are not in any way involved in the incident.

"However, because they were in the relevant area at the time of the incident, I would urge them to please contact Shrewsbury police station as soon as possible on 0300 333 3000.

"It may be that they saw or heard something which will help the investigation.

"It is important they come forward, even if they feel they did not see anything of significance.

"I'm pleased a number of people who were at Liquid and Diva that night have already contacted police and I am appealing for these four young men and young woman to follow their example."

* Two men - 22-year-old Neil Stokes, of Spring Gardens, Shrewsbury, and 31-year-old Daryl Brown, of Severn Drive, Wellington - have been charged with the murder of Mr Griffiths. They are currently in custody awaiting a court hearing.

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