Shropshire Star

Remembrance Sunday: Video and pictures from services and parades across the county

[gallery] Shropshire people turned out in their hundreds across the county to pay their respects to fallen servicemen and women.


At 11am on Remembrance Sunday towns and villages across the county fell silent as people lined the streets and attended services and parades.

In Newport, a parade led by the Royal British Legion set off at 10.15am for St Nicholas's Church in the heart of the town where Reverend Steve Mitchell, Rector of Newport, led the service.

Standard bearers Ann Whitfield and Tim Armstrong from the Royal British Legion were at the front followed by various groups including the New Venture Scouts group, Boughey Explorers, 1st Newport Beavers, Guides and Scouts, Adams Grammar School CCF and Newport Army Cadets.

Mayor of Newport Lyn Fowler laid a wreath and said: "Remembrance Sunday is a time when we all come together to remember those people who laid down their lives for the rest of us, the young and old alike."

More on the day's Remembrance events

In Shrewsbury, a parade of civic dignitaries, Aldermen, scouts, guides, brownies and cubs along with retired and serving military personnel were led by a marching band as they made their way to a service of remembrance at St Chad's Church.

The Boreatton Scout Troop Drum Corps led a parade to the service and wreath laying at All Saint's Church in Baschurch, near Oswestry.

At RAF Cosford a service of remembrance, led by Reverend (Sqn Ldr) Andrew Chapman, station chaplain RAF Cosford was held.

The Cosford Military Wives Choir performed and there were readings from museum volunteers.

More pictures and reaction in Monday's Shropshire Star.

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