Shropshire Star

Author to launch new business book

Shropshire's budding entrepreneurs have provided inspiration for a best-selling business author, who launches her new book in the town on May 25.


Shropshire's budding entrepreneurs have provided inspiration for a best-selling business author, who launches her new book in the town on May 25.

The latest book by Emma Jones, founder of Enterprise Nation, the UK's biggest website for homeworkers, focuses on the growing band of people who are running a successful business in their spare time.

Aptly named "Working 5-9", the book includes real-life case studies of individuals who have turned a passion or hobby into a way of making a living while holding down a day job at the same time.

Shropshire's Barbara Steadman who runs Another Gorgeous Day and Derek Houghton of Houghton Images are both featured.

They will be joining Emma Jones at an event being held at Shrewsbury Staples on the Sundorne Retail Park in Arlington Way, to talk about their own experiences and encourage others who are thinking about following their example.

Emma said: "It was in late 2008 when I spotted a trend, which involved people setting up a business without giving up on their full-time job. Basically they were working 9am-5pm as normal and then from 5pm-9pm on their own project.

Spare room

"For many the appeal is that they can build a business at night and weekends from a spare room, whilst holding on to a salary. This is low cost and low risk and the very best way to start.

"Our research suggests that by the end of 2010, more than eight million people in the UK will be making some form of income from home — which is incredible."

Shrewsbury-based Emma started her first home business at the age of 27 by working 5pm to 9pm and successfully sold it within two years of trading. In 2006 she launched Enterprise Nation and has since written two successful books on the subject of home start-ups.

The Staples event will provide tips for those who want to set up a business from home with advice on how to apply the technology to ensure it's up and running while you're at work.

The first 50 people to register online to attend will also receive a copy of Emma's new book on the night, courtesy of Enterprise HQ.

Staples has been working with Enterprise Nation to support this growing trend during the past 12 months, including the launch of a 5-9ers club, which offered special discounts to people launching their business from home in their free time.

  • The event starts at 6pm on May 25. To attend go to or pick up a leaflet in store.

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