Shropshire Star

Burway bowlers braced for big day

Burway are ready and raring to go for their big day in the national bowling spotlight, writes CHRIS HUDSON.


Burway are ready and raring to go for their big day in the national bowling spotlight, writes CHRIS HUDSON.

The Ludlow club play host to the British Junior Merit finals tomorrow, with hundreds of spectators expected to flock to south Shropshire (10am start).

Some of the top rising talent in the country will be on display, with Meole Brace's county champion George Balshaw and Sam O'Nions of the Prince of Wales Hotel carrying Shropshire hopes.

They will be trying to emulate the achievement of Castlefields ace Callum Wraight, who won the title in 2003, his clubmate Michael Beer having lost in the 2006 final.

"Everything's in place, it's the biggest thing we've ever done," said Wayne Rogers, the No 1 player at Burway, who are also celebrating their 100th anniversary this year.

"We're very pleased with our preparations and we're hoping for a lot of people to come along.

"The weather will make a difference without a doubt, so we're hoping for a nice day."