Shropshire Star

Drivers revved up for UK Autograss Championship action in Telford

The UK Autograss Championship Round 2 will held in Telford across both days on the weekend of July 15-16.


The event, which will see approximately 400 cars race, will be held at Star Autograss Club, Leasowes Farm, Crudginton, TF6 6EJ.

Competing drivers from the local clubs include, Second Shropshire Club, North Shropshire Autograss, High Ercall, and Telford.

There are no specific start times although spectators have been advised to attend from 11:30am.

Admission for adults will cost £20 for the two days, although spectators will be refunded £10 if they decide not to return on the Sunday.

10-16 year-olds will pay £10 for the two days, or be refunded £5 if they don't return for the Sunday. Under 10s will be allowed to watch the event for free.