Shropshire Star

New blood required by Market Drayton league

Two potentially in, one definitely out – that’s the position a main Shropshire bowls league is facing in terms of officials for 2021.

Last updated

The Market Drayton League’s bid to find a successor to Wendy Icke as secretary looks to have hit the target, but now a replacement is needed for Jamie Brookes as competition secretary.

Icke, who will serve as County President for a second year after her 2020 season in the figurehead role was wrecked by Covid, confirmed that Brookes had told both the Drayton and Whitchurch leagues he was standing down from running their comps.

But, she added: “We have achieved to receive two nominations for secretary – Chris and Graham Sayers.”

The husband and wife duo are key members of Bridgewater BC in Whitchurch – the 2019 First Division champions of the 10-a-side Drayton league – and Sayers is also chairperson of the North Shropshire Ladies association.

Icke revealed their nominations after a Drayton meeting via the Zoom conferencing app, adding: “A discussion over handbooks took place and also the annual presentation dinner.

“Handbooks won’t be printed next season, giving the league and clubs more time to decide on how many teams would be entering the coming season.

“And the dinner would be replaced by a buffet after the finals of our league doubles competition.”