Curse of past champions hits Shropshire Bowls League

The curse of the past champions of the Tanners Wines Shropshire Bowling League has struck again.


Telepost, the first division winners in the last normal season before the pandemic in 2019, are unable to continue on Friday nights. Their shock demise follows in the footsteps of 2017 champions Ludlow Castle and the 2016 winners Elephant & Castle (Shawbury), who are both no longer in the league.

“Unfortunately, Telepost find themselves unable to field a side on Fridays this year so have pulled out, leaving the club with two teams on a Tuesday in the Shrewsbury divisions,” confirmed league secretary Dawn Gray.

“And Whittington have made a U-turn and pulled out after player interest changed.”

That leaves 29 teams in three 10-a-side Shropshire divisions this year – down from 36 in 2019 – but the 44 sides in four Shrewsbury divisions playing eight-a-side matches on Tuesday nights is only down one on three years ago.

“This year sees the return of competitive bowling with promotion and relegation and prize money back on - and clubs are ready to get back out there,” added Gray. “The fixtures have been a nightmare and green clashes have proved tricky to re-arrange, but we are starting on Tuesday, April 19, and Friday, April 22. We will be giving teams the week off to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee”

Chairman Andy Jones announced a radical change in the approach to how the league’s knockouts will be played at an executive meeting.

Ties in the Tanner and Champagne Cups for Friday teams and Fullwood and Scadding Cups for Tuesday sides will go ahead at the end of the season and on neutral greens rather than with home and away legs.