Shropshire Star

Association is targeting more teams

Getting more entries in the team knockouts was the big talking point at the AGM of the North Shropshire Crown Green Bowling Association.


That was the aim of officers of the single administrative body now running the Whitchurch and Market Drayton evening leagues as they put rule change proposals to the annual meeting.

They were approved by delegates at Whitchurch’s Archibald Worthington Club – but not before a lively discussion.

“The NSCGBA annual meeting went pretty smoothly, with a good turnout and all but two clubs in attendance,” said association chair Christine Sayers. “The revised rules for the competitions (mainly handicapping) sparked some healthy debate, but all got a positive response when the voting took place and so hopefully we will see more clubs participating this year.

“The management committee were also given the seal of approval to carry on for the next 12 months and were thanked by the presidents (Isobel Jones and Wendy Icke) for making the joint administration a success in its first year.”

Drayton-based Victoria were voted in to rejoin the Whitchurch League but clubs have until a March 15 deadline to decide on entering additional teams or withdrawals.

Sayers and vice-chair Jamie Brookes are now officially in post and not caretakers anymore and all other officers of the Ellison Wealth Management Ltd-sponsored association were re-elected.