Shropshire Star

Slow start costly as seniors crash to damaging loss

Shropshire’s senior bowlers never recovered from a poor start as they slipped to defeat against Warwick & Worcester in the Endsleigh British County Championship.


They ended up losing by 32 shots overall on Sunday and now have a mountain to climb if they are to finish top of qualifying group two to make August’s semi-finals.

The Brummies reeled off the first nine winners in their home leg at Moor Lane before past County Merit winners Jack Hewitt (21-20) and last-on Wayne Rogers (21-13) managed to halt the slump.

It wasn’t any easier on the No.2 green at Newport where the warm sunshine made the green tough to play, with lots of bowls ending up in the ditch in front of a big crowd.

“Our senior team lost out to Warwick & Worcester by 32 after a poor start in both fours at each venue,” admitted a Shropshire association spokesperson.

“At Newport, despite a fine win by Scott Harries 21-8, we trailed by seven chalks, while away we were 33 down after the front four.

“The middle four at home managed to turn the deficit there into a 14 shot lead with Callum Wraight winning 21-9 (his 23rd successive county win), but we now trailed by 51 away at Moor Lane.

“Three more winners at Newport, including 21-13 cards from Martin Gaut and Peter Farmer, meant we won by 25, and two wins away did limit the damage there to 57.

“The result means that we need Wales to beat Warwick & Worcester by six chalks in July and then we must beat the Potteries by 78 at the same time – winning by more if Wales win by more.”

It seems it’s back to the drawing board for selectors Mick Jones, Keith Walton, Andy Smith and Phil King as they search for a venue and squad to get the huge win required in what is their last year in office.