Shropshire Star

Grady Diangana sheds light on Carlos Corberan’s squad goals

Albion star Grady Diangana has revealed how new head coach Carlos Corberan has placed an emphasis on the squad game at The Hawthorns.


Corberan’s troops have continued their winning run after the resumption of Championship action following a month off for the World Cup.

Back-to-back victories over Sunderland and Rotherham for five wins on the spin have put Albion in contention for an assault on the top half and play-odd places – with the potential to climb eight places to eighth with a win in their game in hand at Coventry tomorrow night.

Winger Diangana, 24, played the role of super sub as The Hawthorns hosts swatted aside Rotherham over the weekend. Diangana’s rapid impact saw him net a third goal of the season barely seconds after an introduction from the bench.

Brandon Thomas-Asante joined Diangana in scoring as a sub as the pair followed Tom Rogic and Daryl Dike in doing likewise at Sunderland. Diangana stresses that Corberan has been loud and clear with the message of a squad game.

“That’s what the manager and his staff emphasise, whenever you get your opportunity, give your all, give 100 per cent,” said former West Ham youngster Diangana. “You are there to do a job as well, so that is the message. Definitely (it is a squad game), you can’t do it alone now. When everyone is on the same wavelength and making it for each other it makes everything a bit easier.”

Diangana has not yet been a regular starter under Corberan and has not started any of the last three victories since the Baggies won 1-0 at QPR at the beginning of November prior to the break.

Longer-serving player Matty Phillips has instead had the nod on the left flank, but Diangana’s impact against the Millers will put him in contention for a starting role at Coventry tomorrow.

Corberan has issued a clear message on a positive collective mentality at The Hawthorns. While players were away on a mid-season training camp in Spain he made them watch inspiration sport documentaries, including that of Sir Alex Ferguson. Corberan is also a fan of Michael Jordan’s biopic. The head coach stresses the message to never give up.

“It really unlocks something in your brain, it shows you something else you might not have seen,” Diangana said of learning through the screen. “For everyone to be watching it together really brings a collective spirit to help us push on.”

The winger added on Corberan’s impact: “I think tactically and even mentally he’s had a huge impact.

“On the training pitch he goes into detail to help us understand, every single player he goes into final detail. Mentally he really gives us the tools to push on as a team and as a collective to reach our goals.”