Shropshire Star

AFC Telford boss Gavin Cowan demands immediate response

Gavin Cowan has challenged his AFC Telford United players to react immediately to their first defeat in five games and put it right with a victory next week.


It was a frustrating afternoon for the Bucks against their near neighbours Kidderminster Harriers on Saturday, as they dominated for large parts without putting the ball in the net.

They threw everything at the visitors at times, but didn’t couldn’t find that elusive goal.

Cowan has challenged his players to go and write the result off next week, when they travel north to Southport.

He said: “We try and take each week in hand, and we have to go there and prepare for it.

“What we have just said to them is they have to go and write the Kidderminster result off now, and go and play to the best of their ability next week.

“They need to get back to playing at the best of their ability, and back to the way that they have been of late.”

Despite failing to find the net and Kidderminster leaving the New Bucks Head with all three points, the Bucks chief admitted there were positives to take from the game

He also believes with a bit of luck in the second half, the floodgates could have opened but it wasn’t to be.

He added: “What we have to do is look at the positives, because it is positive that it was such a one sided affair in that second half.

“We have to be more reliable though.

“We know where we went wrong, but with a bit of luck we could have won it comfortably.

“If one goes in then the floodgates open, but credit to them they threw bodies on the line.

“It is not very often in recent years you have seen a Telford team completely dominate a Kidderminster side.”