Shropshire Star

Alex Denny: TNS moving in right direction

New-boy Alex Denny admits The New Saints’ direction under boss Anthony Limbrick sold him a move to Park Hall.

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Alex Denny (right)

Midfielder Denny, 21, this week became Limbrick’s first January signing for the table-topping Cymru Premier side.

Former under-17 and under-18 England international Denny, who is from Chester, played in the European Championship under-17s final defeat on penalties to Spain in 2017.

Ex-Everton youngster Denny said: “I’m really excited, I know Gary Brabin (sporting director) from my Everton days, he coached me at under-16s, I always thought very highly of him.

“The manager gave me a call and talked me through the plans and ambition, it seems like TNS are going in the right direction and obviously the lads have got them in a great position to kick on and push for that title.” “I’m a modern holding midfielder, I like to get on the ball, break lines, switch play, but I’m not afraid to put a tackle in, I’m quite combative.” TNS return to action at Cardiff Met on February 12.