Shropshire Star

Paul Hurst questions Shrewsbury mentality

Paul Hurst questioned the mentality of his Shrewsbury side after they were off-key in defeat at Bury.

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A 1-0 Gigg Lane reversal, Town's second League One defeat of the season, cut Town's lead at the top of of the division to a point.

And Hurst was less than impressed that the rare poor display from his side, who failed to get started before missing a first-half penalty and ultimately losing to a side without league success in over a month.

But the boss also insisted it was not time to panic, as Town go about regrouping ahead of a huge Montgomery Waters Meadow clash with fifth-placed Bradford.

"It was not good enough," said Hurst.

"For all of the praise we got on Saturday that fell short of what we wanted.

"We huffed and puffed, had one decent effort saved, and flattered to deceive really.

"We're not going to suddenly panic and think that's the end of the season, there's a long way to go.

"We've been full of praise and surprising people, we'll try and do that on Saturday again at home.

"What I do question overall is whether we have got that mentality that's needed because, take nothing away from Bury, but they've clearly not been in the best form."

Hurst, without long-term injury absentee Junior Brown, also had to cope without suspended skipper Abu Ogogo and influential winger Alex Rodman, who was out with an ankle injury.

He added: "We have got a limited squad," the boss added. "People can think I'm now rolling excuses out, that's not what it's about.

"I looked at my bench tonight, how many - without being disrespectful - to my own players, how many of them can really try and change that game? Not many.

"We're short. We've been relatively fortunate on the injury front. I said on Saturday about Abs' (Ogogo) sending off. Not just the impact then but him not being available.

"But I was reluctant to change too much because I'm not sure we've got that many real options.

"That's something we've got to keep our fingers crossed we don't suffer no injuries or suspensions between now and January and then have a decision to make about what we want to have in order to try and maintain being in a good position."