Shropshire Star

Pupils backing Shrewsbury Town's Checkatrade Trophy bid

Ahead of their Checkatrade Trophy quarter-final this evening, three Shrewsbury Town players stopped at a school to show off the trophy that could be theirs.

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Junior Brown, Abu Ogogo and Ben Godfrey visited Severndale Specialist Academy in Monkmoor to talk about the competition and what it means for the team to get through to the latter stages.

School principal Sabrina Hobbs said it was a great for the children to share in the anticipation.

“It was absolutely brilliant,” she said. “They did a bit of a question and answer with some of our students in the Link Department.

“The children were amazing with their well thought out questions, from what does a footballer eat for breakfast to what colour footballs do they use. It was great to see the interaction between the players and the students.”

Shrewsbury Town in the Community has worked with Severndale over the past few years to deliver football sessions at the academy.

But the school received a welcome surprise when they had a call about this week’s planned workshop.

Ms Hobbs said: “Shrewsbury Town in the Community were already coming in to do some work with us, but then they called to say they had made it to the quarter-finals and the players had selected our school to come to with the trophy.

“It was really nice to be selected and it was a really different experience for the students. After the question-and-answer session, they had the opportunity to pose with the players and the trophy – the players were great and did quite a lot with the students.”