Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury's Ryan Bowman expresses relief after heart surgery

Shrewsbury's Ryan Bowman says he feels like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders after he underwent minor heart surgery.

Last updated

The striker tweeted a picture from a hospital bed last week saying he had undergone a successful heart operation

Bowman was forced to come off with heart palpitations when Town played Ipswich back in October.

Doctors at Portman Road had to shock his heart – which had raced to 250 beats-per-minute – back into a regular rhythm with the Town man then rushed to hospital.

Bowman has now revealed the surgery he underwent last week is called an Ablation and is a procedure to treat irregular heartbeats and palpitations.

And incredibly, the forward doesn't believe the operation will stop him from reporting for Town duty on the first day of pre-season.

"It's like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders since the operation," he said.

"I’ve always had mild palpitations and an irregular heartbeat but nothing as extreme as I had in the Ipswich game so to know that it won’t happen again is a big relief for me.

"The hospital team at Liverpool heart and chest surgery were amazing with me and I can’t thank them enough.

"The recovery time is better than we initially thought it was going to be. I need to stay off my feet for a week or 10 days then gradually get back to light jogging and build myself up.

"I'm hoping to be able to get straight into pre-season training with the lads if all goes well."