Shropshire Star

Steve Cotterill wants players to make Shrewsbury new boys welcome

Steve Cotterill has told his existing Shrewsbury Town players to help the squad’s new boys feel at home.

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The Town boss made clear that a significant part of the recent seven-day training camp in Spain was to help foster relationships.

And to help the six new players grow on terms ‘as people’, Cotterill stressed it was important the old guard make their new colleagues feel welcome.

“One hundred per cent, it is so important,” manager Cotterill said of the time away as a group. “If I don’t like you I might work with you but what would that relationship be like? I’m not too sure.

“But if I like you I’m going to do more to make you look good and you’re going to do more to make me look good.

“Relationships are so, so important in a football club. It’s difficult with bringing in six last year, six this year, but I’ve said it’s responsibility of the new boys to fit in, but more importantly it’s about the old boys accepting them into the group before they mould into that team again.

“I’ve used the word team quite a bit in the last few days. We need to try to get the boys into a team.”

Cotterill has added Jordan Shipley, Julien Dacosta, Tom Bayliss, Chey Dunkley, Aiden O’Brien and Taylor Moore to his ranks so far this summer. Four are permanent captures while there are also two loan signings.

Supporters had, as it stands, the final chance to see the new recruits in action during last night’s friendly against Cardiff, which was delayed an hour due to the extreme heat.