Wolves fans react to season ticket price increases

Wolves fans have been split in their reaction to season ticket prices increases for next season.


Fans were told of price rises for adult tickets of around six per cent for the North Bank and South Bank while others in the Billy Wright stand are understood to be facing hikes of nearly 12 per cent.

One supporter in the North Bank revealed his season ticket price had risen from £590 to £625 for the coming season – a rise of about six per cent.

Another supporter, who is seated in the Steve Bull upper, said his email from the club revealed a rise of just over five per cent, to £722.

The Express & Star asked for responses from Wolves fans - with some saying the increases were in line with inflation and they are happy to pay.

However, others believe this year's rise on top of previous season ticket increases have made prices too expensive.

Here is some of the reaction from the Wolves faithful:

@HungryLikeThe14 said on Twitter: "Remember that it takes hundreds of normal salaried people to put on a match day who will want their pay raised in line with inflation.

"That’s where the increase will go to make sure the costs keep pace as well as contributing to a better income base for FFP (financial fair play), to enable investment."

@OscillateWWFC said this year's rise is 'not bad', but pointed towards previous price increases

They said: "£35 on a headline price of £590 in the NB (though I only actually paid £550 due to rebates etc).

"So a 6% rise, just about ok in isolation, but it's 40% since 2018 - which was also PL football - and that's harder to square."

@WWLSC was also of the same opinion, adding: "+6% this year which is relatively not bad BUT it is on top of last year's 45%, so 2023-4 over 2021-2 is 54%."

@mark_spruce insisted it could have been worse, but believes a freeze would be welcome in the future.

He added: "My direct debit has gone up by £3 a month, had some Wolves cash which helped bring it down. Could of been a lot worse but a freeze at some point would be welcome."

@kenno1992 points back to cheaper tickets back in the promotion season and when the club competed in Europe.

He explained: "£50 increase over 19 games isn't too bad.

"Fosun did give away tickets really cheap on promotion and Europe.

"We do have to compete with these clubs making 3 times as much commercial revenue as us.

"A bigger stadium would make pricing and access to the team and club easy again."

And @SiGarner1 added: 6%, North Bank. No issues with me, it's a business after all."

However, other supporters were unhappy with the news.

@ShayHen75484373 said: "£722 Steve Bull Upper £686 last year. Not overjoyed."

@Snakeskin92 believes it was already too expensive, especially during a cost of living crisis.

He explained: "This is the issue, it was already too expensive which lays waste to the 6% increase “not so bad” claims. It’s foul. In a cost of living crisis and what we’ve been served up.

"A 45% increase in 5 years is disgusting. Accepting it means they will continue. When does it stop?"

@BlackCountryBob believes fans are slowly being priced out. He said: "It equates to £4.50 a match increase, or the price of a pint. But overall we are slowly being priced out as prices continue to rise well above inflation, whilst in real terms wages are dropping

And @andywilis62 said he was happy to pay the increase but questioned why some tickets had gone up more than others.

He added: "Mine’s gone from £696 to £775 an increase of more than 11%.

"I sit in the BW (Billy Wright) in the section left of the press area! I don’t mind paying the extra, as I spent more than 20 years watching championship rubbish, but not sure why other area’s are having an increase of much less?"