Shropshire Star

Gary O'Neil urges fans to stick by Wolves

Gary O'Neil has urged Wolves supporters to get behind his team after their latest setback.

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An early 2-0 lead was quickly thrown away at Portman Road, as Wolves crashed out of the Carabao Cup with a 3-2 defeat against Ipswich.

O'Neil has now overseen five defeats in eight matches across all competitions and as fans continue to show their displeasure at the club's slide, the head coach has asked supporters to stick behind his side.

"To stick with the group," O'Neil said when asked for his message to supporters.

"We are six weeks in, with a game every five or six days, to a process. There is no magic wand.

"I can guarantee you, when I arrived the place was not running perfectly and ready to go into a Premier League season. There are a lot of things that need fixing.

"I sit here and answer the questions and I'm willing to take responsibility, but the facts are you need some time to put things in place.

"That did not look like a team that I've worked with for very long, which it isn't.

"Do I accept that we need to get results? Of course. Do I want the fans to enjoy every game we play and come away supporting the players? Of course.

"I'm going to work tirelessly to make sure we get it there and we will get it there, but the transfer window is closed and we need to get the maximum out of the group."

When asked what needs fixing at the club, O'Neil added: "When I arrived, the culture of the club needed a shift.

"Some of it needed to move into more togetherness and the way they went about things was very individual-focused and there wasn't a lot of structure to what they did.

"There's a big list of things that need fixing. I understand it's my responsibility.

"People will say 'oh they did fine last year', but the truth is they got 41 points last year and we made an £80million profit on players in the summer. We're £80million short of where we were last year.

"I played that Wolves side when I was manager or Bournemouth, fairly late on in the season, and I know exactly where it was and exactly what it could or couldn't do.

"We need to move it from that, in a more difficult situation now than the club was then.

"They are the facts of the job and I understood that when I took it and I understand it now.

"Every weekend is not going to be rosy, we're going to suffer for some tough weekends and we're going to need to crack on and go again."